Trusted Online VIP Club Casino Malaysia | 96Ace VIP Players

96Ace players, it’s time to join the most exclusive online VIP club casino Malaysia. Be one of our 96Ace VIP members.

As part of our VIP membership, 96Ace players will enjoy some exclusive rewards and perks when you sign up.

96Ace has 4 VIP membership categories; Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Signature. Each rank comes with their own exclusive benefits found nowhere else. The higher your rank, the more exclusive perks you get.

As a VIP player, you will receive an exclusive 24/7 customer service support and unlimited withdrawals alongside even bigger bonuses. Some of our perks include 8% Unlimited Live Casino Bonus, 15% Unlimited Slot Bonus, 30% Daily Bonus and much, much more.

If you’re part of our highest tier Signature VIP player, you’ll be connected to a designated account manager, with special and seasonal gifts to enjoy. The perks are greater as well. You’ll get a 1.5% Sports Rebate, 1% Slot Rebate, and 1% Live Casino Rebate every time you play those games!  

Don’t wait. As a VIP player, you’ll be able to enjoy all your exclusive perks from the day you join. You can even refer your friends & family to this exclusive club and gain even more rewards for you and your friends/family. Both the referrer and referee will each be eligible to claim a referral bonus of up to MYR2,000 per person upon completion of the process.

Membership is for life, so you’ll always be part of the big boys’ club.

So why be ordinary, when you can be a 96Ace VIP!

Join the Most Trusted Online VIP Club Casino Malaysia

Join the Most Trusted Online VIP Club Casino Malaysia

When you’re a high roller living the exclusive life, you need something more than the ordinary. 96Ace VIP members enjoy some of the most exclusive offers not found anywhere else in the Malaysia.

Invite to this exclusive club is only by invitation from 96Ace or by depositing the prescribed amount within a time limit. To join this exclusive VIP club casino, you’ll need to make a minimum deposit of MYR150,000 five times within a period of time to secure your invite.

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